By controlling the many degrees of freedom in the incident wavefront, one can manipulate wave propagation in complex structures and violate the typical properties of diffusion. With optical wavefront shaping experiments on strongly scattering ZnO powders and random matrix theories, we show that long-range correlations in the coherent diffusion enable a wide range of control on non-local transport properties. The correlation effects emerge when the target consists of more channels than the effective dimensionless conductance g of the sample. Spectrally, long-range correlations reduce the spectral degrees of freedom and enable the broadband control of light.
Light lunch will be served at 11:45 a.m.
Event time:
Friday, October 14, 2016 - 12:00pm
Presented By:
Chia Wei Hsu Applied Physics, Yale University
Hosted By:
Prof Eric Altman, Chemical and Environmental Engineering