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Aleksander Kubica

I am a theorist interested in quantum information science, in particular the theory of fault tolerance and quantum error correction, and its intersection with quantum many-body physics.
A. Kubica, A. Haim, Y. Vaknin, H. Levine, F. Brandão, A. Retzker, Erasure qubits: Overcoming the limit in superconducting circuits, accepted to Physical Review X (2023).
A. Kubica, M. Vasmer, Single-shot quantum error correction with the three-dimensional subsystem toric code, Nature Communications 13, 1–12 (2022).
A. Kubica, R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański, Using quantum metrological bounds in quantum error correction: A simple proof of the approximate Eastin-Knill theorem, Physical Review Letters 126, 150503 (2021).
A. Kubica, M. E. Beverland, F. Brandão, J. Preskill, K. M. Svore, Three-dimensional color code thresholds via statistical-mechanical mapping, Physical Review Letters 120, 180501 (2018).
A. Kubica, B. Yoshida, F. Pastawski, Unfolding the color code, New Journal of Physics 17, 083026 (2015).