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Cong Su

The Atomic Engineering Group aims to develop a method to modify atomic structures using electron beams. Our research covers the following areas: (1) Using electron beams inside transmission electron microscope (TEM) to modify atomic structures on 2D materials, and investigating the interaction between charged particles and atoms; (2) Developing in-situ methods inside TEM and investigating the crystal structures under different conditions; (3) Synthesizing pristine and doped 1D/2D materials using chemical vapor deposition and chemical vapor transport methods; (4) Simulating electronic structure, spectroscopies, and atomic dynamics using first-principles and empirical calculation methods.
Del Favero Prize (2020)
Heising-Simons Fellowship (2019)
Wellington and Irene Loh Fund Fellowship (2014)
Alpha Nu Sigma (US national honor society of nuclear science) (2014)
C. Su*, F. Zhang*, S. Kahn*, B. Shevitski, J. Jiang, C. Dai, A. Ungar, J. Park, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, W. Zhang, Z. Tang, J. Kong, F. Wang, M. Crommie, S. G. Louie, S. Aloni, A. Zettl, “Tuning colour centres at a twisted hexagonal boron nitride interface”, Nature Materials 21, 896–902 (2022).
Q. Ji, C. Su*, N. Mao, X. Tian, J.-C. Idrobo, J. Miao, W. A. Tisdale, A. Zettl, J. Li, J. Kong, “Revealing the Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi Relation in Halide-Activated Fast MoS2 Growth Towards Millimeter-Sized 2D Crystals”, Science Advances, 7:eabj3274 (2021).
P.-C. Shen*, C. Su*, Y. Lin*, A.-S. Chou*, C.-C. Cheng, J.-H. Park, M.-H. Chiu, A.-Y.Lu, H.-L. Tang, M. Tavakoli, G. Pitner, X. Ji, Z. Cai, N. Mao, J. Wang, V. Tung, J. Li, J. Bokor, A. Zettl, C.-I. Wu, T. Palacios, L.-J. Li, and J. Kong, “Ultralow contact resistance between semimetal and monolayer semiconductors”, Nature, 593, 211–217 (2021).
C. Su*, Z. Yin*, Q-B. Yan*, Z. Wang, H. Lin, L. Sun, W. Xu, T. Yamada, X. Ji, N. Zettsu, K. Teshima, J. H.Warner, M. Dinca, J. Kong, J. Hu, M. Dong, G. Su, and J. Li, “Waterproof molecular monolayer stabilize 2D materials,” PNAS 116, 42 (2019).
C. Su, M. Tripathi, Q.B. Yan, Z. Wang, Z. Zhang, H. Wang, L. Basile, G. Su, M. Dong, J. Kotakoski, J. Kong, J.C. Idrobo, T. Susi, and J. Li, “Engineering single-atom dynamics with electron irradiation”, Science Advances, 5:eaav2252 (2019).
X. Fu*, C. Su*,et al., “Tailoring exciton dynamics by elastic strain-gradient in semi-conductors,” Advanced Materials 26, 2572-2579 (2014).
C. Su, H. Jiang and J. Feng, “Two-dimensional carbon allotrope with strong electronic anisotropy,” Phys. Rev. B 87, 075453 (2013).