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Daniel E. Prober

Click here for photos of the celebration of 40 years Dan Prober at Yale University.
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Graduate Admissions Committee
Energy Studies Program Advisory Committee
Yale-Weizmann Institute Research Collaboration, Yale Director
Experimental solid state physics and superconductivity; coherent quantum transport and noise studies; superconducting quantum detectors: microwave UV and x-ray detectors; nanostructure fabrication techniques.
Yale Science and Engineering 2019 Award for the Advancement of Basic and Applied Science
IEEE Council on Superconductivity ‘Lifetime Achievement Award, 2018’ for continuing and significant contributions in the field of superconductive electronics.
IBM Faculty Award (2013)
IBM Faculty Award (2010)
IBM Faculty Award (2006)
IBM Faculty Award (2005)
Technical Excellence Award from the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1997)
NASA Technical Excellence Award, JPL Hot-Electron Bolometer Team (April, 1997)
NASA Technical Innovator Award (1996)
NASA Technical Innovator Award (co-recipient) for “Heterodyne Receiver using Diffusion Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer” (1996)
Fellow, American Physical Society and CT Academy of Sciences
Merit Award for Josephson Junction Simulator, American Assn of Physics Teachers Teaching Apparatus Competition (1981) (w. R.W. Henry).
THz Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes, Joel D. Chudow, Daniel F. Santavicca, and Daniel E. Prober, NanoLett (2016). [PDF]
Electron-phonon cooling in large monolayer graphene devices, C.B. McKitterick, M.J. Rooks, and D.E. Prober, Phys. Rev. B93, 075410 (2016). [PDF]
Ultrasensitive graphene far-infrared power detectors, C.B. McKitterick, D.E. Prober, H. Vora, and X. Du, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 27 164203 (2015). [PDF]
Nanobolometers for THz Photon Detection, B.S. Karasik, A.V. Sergeev and D.E. Prober, IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 1, 97 (2011). [PDF]
Performance of Graphene Thermal Photon Detectors, C.B. McKitterick, D.E. Prober, and B.S. Karasik, Journal of Applied Physics 044512 (2013). [PDF]
Terahertz detection mechanism and contact capacitance of individual metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes, J.D. Chudow, D.F. Santavicca, C.B. McKitterick, D.E. Prober and P. Kim, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 163503 (2012). [PDF]
Energy loss of the electron system in individual single-walled carbon nanotubes, D.F. Santavicca, J.D. Chudow, D.E. Prober, M.S. Purewal and P. Kim, Nano Lett. 10, 4538 (2010). [PDF]
Tunable superconducting nanoinductors, A.J. Annunziata, D.F. Santavicca, L. Frunzio, G. Catelani, M.J. Rooks, A. Frydman and D.E. Prober, Nanotechnology 21, 445202 (2010). [PDF]
Electron coherence and dephasing in metal films, wires and rings, D.E. Prober, 2010, Invited Chapter in Perspectives on Mesoscopic Physics, eds. A. Aharony and O. Entin-Wohlman, World Scientific Publishing.
Astronomers look to nanotechnology, D.E. Prober, 2008, Nature Nanotech. 3, 459-460. [PDF]
Noise Thermal Impedance of a Diffusive Wire, B. Reulet and D.E. Prober, 2005, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 066602. [PDF]
Quasiparticle number fluctuations in superconductors, C.M. Wilson and D.E. Prober, 2004, Phys. Rev. B 69, 094524. [PDF]
Nb-Au Bilayer Hot-electron Bolometers for Low-noise THz Heterodyne Detection, Irfan Siddiqi, Daniel E Prober, 2004, Appl. Phys. Lett., 84, 1404. [PDF]
Environmental Effects in the Third Moment of Voltage Fluctuations in a Tunnel Junction, B. Reulet, J. Senzier, Daniel E Prober, 2003, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91, 196601. [PDF]
To Catch a Photon, Daniel E Prober, 2003, Nature, 425, 777. [PDF]
Quantum Partition Noise in a Superconducting Tunnel Junction, K. Segall, Daniel E. Prober, 2001, Phys. Rev. B, 64, 180508. [PDF]
Microfabrication Techniques for Studies of Percolation, Localization, and Superconductivity, and Recent Experimental Results, Daniel E. Prober, December 1983. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-9394-2_10
- In book: Percolation, Localization, and Superconductivity
- "High Efficiency Near-Field Electromagnetic Probe", 5696372, 1997: With R.D. Grober and R.J. Schoelkopf