SSO Seminar - Yaron Bromberg, Hebrew University - “Shaping classical and quantum light in multimode optical fibers using computer-controlled mechanical perturbations”

Solid State & Optics Seminar 

sponsored by “The Flint Fund Series on Quantum Devices and Nanostructures”

Yaron Bromberg, Hebrew University

Date : Wednesday, 8/9/23

Time: 1:00 PM

Location: Becton 227 or  via Zoom

Zoom Link:

Password: 355842



Shaping classical and quantum light in multimode optical fibers using computer-controlled mechanical perturbations

Multimode optical fibers support the low-loss transmission of multiple spatial modes, allowing the encoding of classical and quantum information in the transverse profile of the light. When photons propagate through a multimode fiber, however, their transverse profile gets scrambled because of mode mixing and modal interference. This is usually corrected using free-space spatial light modulators. We recently demonstrated an alternative all-fiber approach, coined fiber piano, in which we shape the photons by applying computer-controlled mechanical deformations to the fiber. In the talk, I will explain the working principle of the fiber piano and present our recent results on spatial and spectral shaping of classical (laser beam) [1,2,3] and quantum (entangled photons) light [4].

[1] Resisi, S., Viernik, Y., Popoff, S.M. & Bromberg, Y. Wavefront shaping in multimode fibers by transmission matrix engineeringAPL Photonics 5, 3, 036103 (2020)

[2] Resisi, S., Popoff, S.M. & Bromberg, Y. Image transmission through a dynamically Perturbed multimode fiber by deep learningLaser & Photonics Reviews 2000553 (2021)

[3] Finkelstein, Z., Sulimany, K., Resisi, S. & Bromberg, Y. Spectral shaping in a multimode fiber by all-fiber modulationAPL Photonics 8, 036110 (2023)

[4] Shekel, R., et al. Shaping single photons through multimode optical fibers using mechanical perturbationsarXiv:2306.02288 (2023)

Host: Hui Cao 
Event time: 
Wednesday, August 9, 2023 - 1:00pm