Applied Physics Seminar - Arne Grimsmo, Amazon - “Engineering the Quantum with Superconducting Circuits”

Applied Physics Seminar Series 

Dr. Arne Grimsmo, Amazon Web Services for Quantum Computing 

Wednesday, March 15th at 1:00PM

YQI Seminar Room or via zoom 

Zoom link:

Password: 180134


Engineering the Quantum with Superconducting Circuits

Over the last decades our field has moved from observing quantum effects with increasing precision, to controlling quantum systems of increasing complexity. Arguably, building a fault-tolerant quantum computer is the ultimate demonstration of quantum control. It is also one of the greatest engineering challenges of our time. In this talk I will discuss the possibility of a hardware approach to fault-tolerance using superconducting quantum circuits. That is, encoding quantum information into cleverly designed circuits that offer some passive protection from noise. I will argue that the natural language for talking about robust encodings in superconducting circuits is that of “bosonic codes.” The hope is that using such encodings will alleviate some of the daunting software and hardware demands for fault-tolerance, making the task of building a quantum computer a little bit easier.


Dr. Arne Grimsmo received his PhD in Applied Physics from The Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2014. He became a Senior Lecturer at The University of Sydney in 2019, and a Principal Investigator in the Australian Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems in 2021. Since 2021, Dr. Grimsmo has been on leave from his academic position to work as a Senior Research Scientist at the Amazon Web Services Centre for Quantum Computing, located at the California Institute for Technology.

Event time: 
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 - 1:00pm
Hosted By: 
Doug Stone