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Robert J. Schoelkopf

Sterling Professor of Applied Physics and Physics, and
Director of the Yale Quantum Institute
Our research focuses on the development of superconducting devices for quantum information processing, which are leading to revolutionary advances in computing. Our group and our collaborators at Yale founded the field of circuit quantum electrodynamics and have produced many firsts in the field of solid-state quantum computing, including the development of the transmon qubit, a “quantum bus” for information, and the first demonstrations of quantum algorithms and quantum error correction with integrated circuits.
Comstock Prize in Physics, National Academy of Sciences, with Michel Devoret (2024)
Connecticut Medal of Science - The Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (2017)
Elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences (2016)
Elected to National Academy of Sciences (2015)
Fritz London Memorial Prize for Low Temperature Physics (2014, with Devoret and John Martinis)
Max Planck Forschungspreis (2014)
John Stewart Bell Prize (2013, with Michel Devoret )
Joseph F. Keithley Award of the American Physical Society (2009)
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2007)
Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) for innovative use of microwave techniques (2005)
Yale University Junior Faculty Fellowship (2002)
Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering (2000)
“Coupling Superconducting Qubits via a Cavity Bus”, Johannes Majer, J.M. Chow, J.M. Gambetta, Jens Koch, B.R. Johnson, J.A. Schreier, Luigi Frunzio, David Schuster, Andrew Houck, A. Wallraff, A. Blais, Michel H Devoret, Steven M Girvin, Robert J Schoelkopf, 2007, Nature, 449, 443-447.
“A Coherent All-Electrical Interface Between Polar Molecules and Mesoscopic Superconducting Resonators”, A. Andre, D. Demille, J.M. Doyle, M.D. Lukin, S.E. Maxwell, P. Rabl, Robert J Schoelkopf, P. Zoller, 2006, Nature, 2, 636-642.
“Strong Coupling of a Single Photon to a Superconducting Qubit Using Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics”, A. Wallraff, D.I. Schuster, A. Blais, L. Frunzio, R.-S. Huang, J. Majer, S. Kumar, S.M. Girvin, Robert J Schoelkopf, 2004, Nature, 431, 162-167.
“Primary Electric Thermometry Using the Shot Noise of a Tunnel Junction”, Lafe Spietz, K.W. Lehnert, I. Siddiqi, Robert J Schoelkopf, 2003, Science, 300, 1929-1932.
“A Concept for a Submillimeter-Wave Single-Photon Counter”, Robert J Schoelkopf, S.H. Moseley, C.M. Stahle, P. Wahlgren, and P. Delsing, 1999, IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconductivity, 9, 2935-2939.
“The Radio-Frequency Single-Electron Transistor (RF-SET): A Fast and Ultra-Sensitive Electrometer”, Robert J Schoelkopf, P. Wahlgren, A.A. Kozhevnikov, P. Delsing, Daniel E Prober, 1998, Science, 280, 1238-1242.
- "High Efficiency Near-Field Electromagnetic Probe Having a Bow-Tie Antenna Structure", 5696372, 1997: With: R.D. Grober and D.E. Prober.