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Yu He

Yu He joined Yale Applied Physics as an assistant professor in the fall of 2020. His research mainly utilizes light-matter interaction to investigate correlated electronic systems and other functional quantum materials. He focuses on dissecting novel materials’ microscopic degrees of freedom - electronic, lattice and spin - via angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and x-ray scattering techniques. Complementary techniques such as electric transport, surface decoration and crystal synthesis are employed to characterize and manipulate material properties. Yu obtained his B.S. in Physics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Stanford University. Prior to arriving at Yale, he worked as a Miller Research Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley.
Group website:
Miller Research Fellow, UC Berkeley (2019)
Superconducting fluctuations in overdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d, Physical Review X 11 (3), 031068 (2021)
Angle-resolved photoemission studies of quantum materials, Reviews of Modern Physics 93 (2), 025006 (2021)
Rapid change of superconductivity and electron-phonon coupling through critical doping in Bi-2212. Science 362, 62 (2018)
Persistent low-energy phonon broadening near the charge order -vector in bilayer cuprate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. Phys. Rev. B 98, 035102 (2018)
High resolution angle resolved photoemission with tabletop 11 eV laser. Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 011301 (2016)