August 2023 News

With NSF Grant, a New Ph.D. Training Program in Quantum Materials

With a $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), Yale is creating an interdisciplinary Ph.D. training program in the area of quantum materials science and engineering.

The grant, entitled “NRT-QL: Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Quantum Materials Science and Engineering,” is made through the NSF’s Research Traineeship (NRT) program. It is one of 22 that the NSF announced on Wednesday.

Read full article here.

Quantum theory and you: Curated collection traces ongoing evolution of computing power

“From DOS to Qiskit: Turning Entanglement into Quantum Computation”—the library’s 2023–2024 Model Research Collection—considers the “quantum leaps” that have occurred in our ability to process information, thanks to the rapid advances in the field of quantum theory since the early twentieth century.

Curator Florian Carle, manager of the Yale Quantum Institute, has selected materials that track the novel ways humans have applied quantum theory—from the classical computers that ran DOS software to today’s supercomputers that run Qiskit. The collection also makes some playful excursions into the corners of pre-quantum computing technology.

Read full article here

Congratulations to James Teoh!

James Teoh succesfully defended his PhD thesis on Friday, August 4th, 2023.

Thesis title: “Error Detected Operations for Bosonic Quauntum Information Processing”.

Thesis Advisor:  Prof. Rob Schoelkopf


Congratulations to Yiqi Wang!

Yiqi Wang successfully defended his PhD thesis on August 2nd, 2023.

Thesis title: “Manipulating and measuring states of a superfluid optomechanical resonator in the quantum regime”

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Jack Harris


Read more here.