Two undergraduate students, Annie Polish ’21 and Maile Harris ’22, were recently invited guests to Prof. Dan Prober’s course to present their joint research work at Yale on “Calibrating radio telescopes with drones.”
Both Annie & Maile have worked in the lab of Prof. Laura Newburgh, Department of Physics. They were invited guests to Prof. Dan Prober’s course for first year students, “Science of Modern Technology and Public Policy”. Their research was to characterize the receiving pattern of some of the largest and most complex radio telescopes using drones. It was considered a highly innovative and successful project. During their presentation, both Annie & Maile were able to explain their techniques for compensating for many different errors in terms that the non-science-majors in the course really appreciated.
Annie has continued working in Prof. Newburgh’s lab at Yale for this year after she graduated from the Yale with a B.S. in Applied Physics in 2021. She will enter the PhD program in Physics at Harvard University this Fall. After graduation this May, Maile will start a research position at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab.